IPL Photo Rejuvenation
IPL Photo Rejuvenation defuses and reduces red and brown pigmentation
+ Add a chemical peel to any IPL for $50
- Surgical Scars $TBD
- Stretch Marks $TBD
- Hands & Fingers $150
- Spot Treatment 1x1 inch area $100
- Spot Treatment 2x2 inch area $150
- Spot Treatment 4x4 inch area $200
- Face, Neck, OR Chest $250
- Face & Neck $300
- Face & Chest $300
- Neck & Chest $300
- Face, Neck, & Chest $350
- Upper Arms $300
- Lower Arms $300
- Full Arms $500
- Upper Legs $350
- Lower Legs $300
- Full Legs $500
- Upper Back $300
- Lower Back $300
- Full Back $500
- Full Abdomen $300
- Lower Abdomen $200
- Face Lift Scars $100